Collect and export Windows Application Event Logs for support
Table of Contents
Migration Agent Logs
If you are having issues with your Windows 10/11 Workstation migrations and you raise a support ticket you will almost certainly be asked to provide the logs either from the PSP Server and/or the Application Event Logs from the device itself. Additionally, you maybe be asked to send screenshot of your Runbooks and Batches.
If you are having issues with Agent Installation, Agent registration, Agent starting, Agent finishing or any post-migration issues then all of the information required by a support engineer will be in the Event Logs.
It is far easier to support your project when we have the logs!
Application Event Logs
To collect the Event Logs ready to attach to your support ticket please follow these steps.
Open Event Viewer
Navigate to: Event Viewer (Local) Windows Logs\Application
You are looking for all Events with Source “PowerSyncPro Migration Agent”
Filter Current Log
It is easier and beneficial to “Filter Current Log” to only with with “PowerSyncPro Migration Agent” entries.
Save Event Logs entries
From here you can then “Save Filtered Log File As” aa *.evtx file. Zip this up and attach to your Support ticket.
Use PowerShell to export logs
You can use PowerShell to speed this up rather than use the UI. Level=2 is Error, Level=3 is Warning, Level=4 is Information.
wevtutil epl Application C:\Temp\PowerSyncProLogs.evtx /q:"*[System[Provider[@Name='PowerSyncPro Migration Agent'] and (EventID=0) and (Level=2 or Level=3 or Level=4)]]"
ZIP / Compress the file.
Compress-Archive -Path C:\Temp\PowerSyncProLogs.evtx -DestinationPath C:\Temp\ -Force
After compression, you can check if the ZIP file was created successfully.
Test-Path C:\Temp\
To get ALL Application Event Logs without any filters please run:
wevtutil epl Application C:\Temp\AllApplicationLogs.evtx
You may be asked to run this so we can see any other events affecting the PSP Migration Agent such as users logging in too soon, a device rebooting unexpectedly and such like.
Here is a fully usable script that will export the Event Logs and save them to "C:\Temp\"
Download PSP Server Agent Logs
On the PowerSyncPro server you can also download the Agent Logs. However, where this might not be sufficient is where the Workstation it having network difficulties and has been unable to send its logs back to the server.