Create PowerSyncPro EntraID Application
To smooth the creation of your PowerSyncPro EntraID Application in the source or target tenant the script below will create the full requirements for directory synchronisation (read & write) and enable features for creating the bulk enrolment token for device migrations to become cloud native (Entra Joined).
- An activated Global Administrator needs to run the script.
- You need to know the tenant ID (GUID) before running the script.
- Microsoft.Graph PowerShell module needs to be installed on the machine where you are running the script.
- The tenant ID, the application (client) ID, and the secret - all used for configuring the Entra ID endpoint in PowerSyncPro.
High level features:
- Checks to see if Microsoft.Graph is installed, and attempts to install it for you.
- Checks for the existence of the “Microsoft.Azure.SyncFabric” application which also needs exist in the tenant to allow for the bulk enrolment token to be generated.
- Creates the required roles in the application
- Creates the required scope in the application
- Assigns admin consent
Additional information when performing Device Migrations to Entra Joined
- When in PowerSyncPro interface and you wish to create the bulk enrolment token, ensure you are browsing to the GUI of PSP using the URL http://localhost:5000 otherwise the process will fail.
- After you have created the PowerSyncPro EntraID Application, if you need to create a bulk enrolment token in the directories configuration on the PowerSyncPro portal, ensure the Global Admin account you use to request the BPRT is not a from a federated domain, otherwise the process will fail. If you had used WCD you may have seen the error “SourceAnchor is a required property for creation of a federated user”
An example output is below, use the output to create your Entra ID directory in PowerSyncPro.